viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017


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Esta semana decidimos no subir a ninguna montaña y nos fuimos al Parque Nacional de Yoho para hacer el recorrido de la Iceline linea de hielo.

Jed, Nyvonn, Marina y yo fuimos otra vez hacia las Takakkaw Falls y caminamos hasta las Laughing Falls, esta vez desviándonos hacia el valle del río Yoho.

Una vez llegamos hasta el refugio de montaña del Club Alpinista de Canadá el cielo se encapotó, empezó a tronar y tuvimos una fuerte granizada.

Estábamos bastante lejos del coche, a unos 20 km, así que nos sentamos a esperar a que pasase lo que supusimos era una tormenta de verano. Y afortunadamente lo fue.

Pasado el valle ascendimos hacia la parte del recorrido que hace famosa a esta excursión: un camino que, a más de 2200 metros de altitud, va enlazando glaciares.

Pasados los glaciares y los lagos volvimos hacia las Takakkaw Falls donde está el albergue en el que pasamos la noche, el Whisky Jack.

Enrique & Marina English version


This last week we chose not to climb a peak. Instead we went to Yoho National Park and walked the popular and scenic Iceline. 

Jed, Nyvonn, Enrique and I went back to Takakkaw Falls, up to Laughing Falls and then took the left turn into the Yoho river valley. 

After a few hours walking through the forest, we reached the Alpine Club of Canada’s hut located in an open valley. By then, the sky was covered with dark clouds and we got lightning, thunder and hail. 

We were pretty far from the car, about 20 km far actually. So we decided to wait under cover until the thunder stopped and hope it would just be a summer shower. Luckily, it was a short one. 

Past the valley the trail climbs up to the highest section of the hike, an 8 kms stretch at 2200 m above sea level that links several glaciers. That is the section that makes the Iceline such a popular trail since the views you get are so spectacular for a very long time. 

After glaciers and lakes, we completed our loop back to the Takakkaw Falls and went to the Whisky Jack wilderness hostel where we spent the night. 

Enrique & Marina

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