Ascendemos con un poco de frío hacia el Puerto de Chistau donde empezamos a encontrarnos con bastante gente. Estamos cerca de Benasque y se nota.
La bajada por el Barranco de Estós hacia el refugio del mismo nombre tiene bastante nieve y unas vistas preciosas.
En el Refugio de Estós ni paramos, ponemos la directa hacia el Camping Aneto, que sabemos que tiene piscina, donde pasaremos la primera jornada de descanso de esta última tanda de etapas de nuestra travesía transpirenaica.
Fecha: 20 de julio de 2018
Hora y altitud de partida: 08:30 a 2080 m
Hora y altitud de llegada: 14:00 a 1254 m
Distancia: 16 km
Desnivel acumulado: +500 / -1350
Tipo de vía: Sendero y pista
Meteorología: Despejado
Alojamiento: Camping Aneto por 7,5 €/persona y 7,5 €/tienda
Enrique & Marina
The rain didn’t get us inside the hut. Even though the walls had many holes and the wind blew inside the cabin, the roof was in good condition and we spent a warm and dry night
After breakfast and so, we climbed to cross Chistau pass feeling a bit cold. Once crossed the summit of the pass the trail got busier with people. We were getting close to Benasque and we could feel it.
The trail follows Estós gully and reaches the guarded hut with the same name. The path still had large snow caps and amazing views. This time we also considered to take the crampons out but we managed to navigate without them quite well.
We passed Estós hut very early and didn’t stop as our brains and legs were focused in the swimming pool of Camping Aneto where we planned to stay. And that’s what we did. Camped on a nice flat grassy ground, washed our clothes in the washing machine and dried them in the dryer, had dinner at a bar, showered in a hot shower and brushed our teeth using a tap and sink. Real luxury. Specially the lightly heated swimming pool where we spent the next day which we had allocated as a rest day.
Date: 20th of July 2018
Start time and altitude: 8:30 at 2080 m
Finish time and altitude: 14:00 at 1254 m
Distance: 16 km
Cumulative elevation gain/loss: +500 / -1350
Type of track: path and rural roal
Weather on the day: clear
Accommodation: Camping Aneto. 7,5 €/person and 7,5 €/tent
Enrique & Marina
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